4 Ways to Improve Patient Safety ISG Marketing December 12, 2023 healthcare id, patient identification, positive patient id, rightpatient, Healthcare, patient errors, patient safety, data security
4 Benefits of Digital Identification in Healthcare ISG Marketing October 31, 2023 ID System, Identification, ID Software, healthcare id, patient identification, positive patient id, Higgins, Healthcare, data personalization, Fraud Prevention, patient safety
3 Ways to Efficiently Identify Patients at Surgery Centers ISG Marketing March 28, 2023 healthcare id, patient identification, positive patient id, Healthcare, PDC Healthcare, patient wristbands, patient safety
Protecting Patients from Identity Theft ISG Marketing January 31, 2023 Identification, healthcare id, patient identification, positive patient id, rightpatient
6 Things to Print on the Back of a Photo ID ISG Marketing April 12, 2022 Campus Card, Identification, Card Printer, Cardstock, Student ID, healthcare id, Employee ID, ID Badging, Photo ID, visitor ID, ID Experts
9 Tips for Taking Great ID Badge Photos ISG Marketing August 31, 2021 ID Photography, ID System, Identification, ID Software, Large-Format IDs, BadgePass, Student ID, healthcare id, patient identification, positive patient id, Employee ID, ID Badging, Photo ID, Mobile ID, visitor ID, ID Cameras
3 Most Vital Aspects to Hospital Security ISG Marketing March 23, 2021 healthcare id, visitor management, Access Control, PDC Healthcare, Photo ID
4 Ways to Improve Patient Identification in your Hospital ISG Marketing October 13, 2020 healthcare id, patient identification, positive patient id, Healthcare, PDC Healthcare, patient errors, patient wristbands
Biometrics-as-a-Service is Growing in Healthcare Markets ISG Marketing September 22, 2020 ID Software, healthcare id, patient identification, positive patient id, Biometrics, Healthcare, M2SYS, SaaS
The Importance of Patient Identification ISG Marketing August 18, 2020 Identification, healthcare id, patient identification, positive patient id, Healthcare, M2SYS, medical errors