Top 4 Safety & Security Concerns of Assisted Care Facilities ISG Marketing February 12, 2019 Identification, Verification, Security, Integration, Tracking, healthcare id, patient identification, positive patient id, visitor management, Access Control, Video Surveillance, Healthcare, Campus Safety
Patient ID Barcoding is as Easy as 1-2-3 ISG Marketing December 18, 2018 ID System, Identification, Verification, ID Software, Security, Integration, Database, Tracking, healthcare id, patient identification, positive patient id, Healthcare, PDC Healthcare, Barcodes
Patient ID Barcodes Protect Every Demographic ISG Marketing December 4, 2018 ID System, Identification, Security, healthcare id, patient identification, positive patient id, Healthcare, PDC Healthcare, Wristbands & Labels
Hospital Visitor Management – Who Is Roaming Your Halls? – Part II ISG Marketing November 13, 2018 ID System, Identification, Verification, ID Software, Security, Integration, Issuance, healthcare id, patient identification, positive patient id, visitor management, Access Control, Video Surveillance, Healthcare, PDC Healthcare
Hospital Visitor Management – Who Is Roaming Your Halls? – Part I ISG Marketing November 6, 2018 ID System, Identification, Verification, ID Software, Security, Tracking, healthcare id, patient identification, positive patient id, visitor management, Access Control, Healthcare, PDC Healthcare
Choosing The Right Patient Registration & Identification Solution ISG Marketing September 25, 2018 Identification, ISG, Verification, Security, Integration, Database, Tracking, healthcare id, patient identification, positive patient id, rightpatient, Healthcare
Thermal vs Laser Printed Patient ID Wristbands ISG Marketing August 21, 2018 Identification, Verification, Tracking, healthcare id, patient identification, positive patient id, Healthcare, PDC Healthcare, Laser, Thermal Printers
Study Finds Common Traits of Hospital Data Breaches ISG Marketing July 10, 2018 ID System, Verification, Security, Integration, Database, Tracking, healthcare id, patient identification, positive patient id, Cybersecurity, Healthcare, Campus Safety
Medical Errors Are Scarier Than American’s Biggest Fears ISG Marketing April 3, 2018 Identification, Integration, healthcare id, patient identification, positive patient id, Healthcare, PDC Healthcare
Value-Based Care Requires Knowing Your Patient ISG Marketing March 13, 2018 ID System, Identification, Verification, ID Software, Image Capture, Integration, healthcare id, patient identification, positive patient id, rightpatient, Healthcare