Biometric Patient Identification

Biometric Patient Identification

Accurate Patient Identification Every Time

Inaccurate patient identification can be extremely expensive, with some estimates averaging up to $5 million per year, per hospital, from denied claims, duplicate records, patient errors, medical fraud, and more. It’s obvious why positive biometric patient identification continues to be a major concern for healthcare providers. It isn’t just the cost in dollars either, as an entire healthcare system’s reputation could be damaged from serious patient ID errors, not to mention the risks to patient safety due to potential misidentification or incorrect treatments and medicinal distribution.

Take a closer look at our biometric patient identification solutions below.

Show products for

RightPatient RemoteID

RightPatient AI

RightPatient Biometric Patient Management

Biometric Patient Identification is the Answer

Due to the fact that healthcare biometric templates are unique to an individual, they prevent duplicate medical records by alerting healthcare officials when a person is already enrolled in the system which can substantially lower liability risk. In addition, healthcare biometrics seamlessly interfaces with existing EHR/EMR software providing fast integration so a healthcare facility can be up and running quickly. The right biometric patient identification solution can also accelerate the check-in and registration processes while completely eliminating language barriers. Furthermore, unconscious patients can be easily identified and doctors are ensured that the right medication is delivered to the right patient.

The Identification Systems Group (ISG) knows that hospitals deal with more than just security issues for patient safety, and offers solutions that accurately and efficiently identify and track patients. We offer solutions from RightPatient, a KernellÓ company, that delivers complete biometric patient identification solutions with cloud AI, smart mobile apps, M2SYS scanners/readers, and more.

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