Signature Capture Devices

Signature Capture Devices

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Entrust Datacard Signature Pointe is a software and hardware solution includes everything you need to capture, store and print electronic signatures. The rugged signature pad features an interactive LCD that allows users to see their handwriting as they sign, minimizing the chance of errors.

The integrated Signature Pointe software, part of the Capture Pointe Series software family, can manage your entire electronic signature database. Accurate and reliable, the Signature Pointe™ solution offers an extra measure for organizations looking for an additional line of defense in their ID programs.

The Signature Pointe solution from the ISG increases the effectiveness of your photo ID program by reducing the risk of identity theft or fraud.

Note that the signature pads offered with the Capture Pointe software may vary as many different units may be compatible with it. Talk to your local ISG expert about your specific needs so that an appropriate signature capture device is used.

Click on the link below to download a product datasheet or click to get pricing information from your local ISG dealer.

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