Entrust Instant ID

Entrust Instant ID

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This integrated ID software solution for card issuance and management allows you to leverage core technologies across different credential types and applications to meet the unique needs of your organization. Entrust Instant ID (formerly TruCredential) is well-suited to universities, healthcare systems, retail stores, local government agencies, transportation authorities, school systems, and businesses of all shapes and sizes.

Entrust Instant ID requires no individual workstation software or USB dongles. It includes powerful smart card read and write capabilities. A true enterprise-level ID software platform!

With Instant ID, you can design ID cards anytime, anywhere with intuitive, drag-and-drop templates and workflows. It is also engineered to integrate with Entrust printers, supplies and support as well as third-party printers.

It is highly configurable with modular solutions that can be added to existing systems to provide new technologies with minimal investment. It also includes access pre-built smart card configurations and comprehensive reporting features.

Click on the link below to download a product overview datasheet or click to get pricing information from your local ISG dealer.

adaptive issuance instant id software

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