Contactless Credentials

Contactless Credentials

MIFARE & Other Contactless Credentials

ISG-branded contactless credentials, like MIFARE cards and key fobs, are built on industry-standard contactless technology, provide robust security across multiple applications, and the open architecture allows for easy installation and implementation. Applications such as door access control can be easily added, and cards can be processed automatically in the card issuance system, eliminating multiple enrollment processes.

These cost-effective contactless credentials are more powerful and secure than proximity ID cards, and provide 100x faster read speeds with 100x greater storage capacity. We also offer well-known industry branded contactless solutions from manufacturers such as Identiv, HID and others.

Using standard MIFARE and MIFARE DESFire EV1 13.56 MHz technology, the ISG provides powerful, secure and flexible credential technology designed to handle multiple applications.

All contactless smart credentials are offered under the ISG banner. ISG-branded multi-technology cards provide you with the ability to add additional data and applications to the smart credentials, a single point of enrollment and card issuance (read/write in the printing process), and ability to manage your own secure keys. With our cards, you have flexibility; you’re not locked into a proprietary technology. ISG™ cards make it easier for you to add applications and even manage smart card keys.

The transition from traditional credential technology to smart technology can be complicated, but with ISG™ cards you can start with what you need today and move into new technology at your own pace.

You can learn more by downloading the Contactless Credential datasheet or by contacting us or your local dealer below.

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