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BioConnect Mobile Authenticator

BioConnect Mobile Authenticator


Use a BioConnect Mobile Authenticator to access doors, digital applications, network access or cabinets. With a variety of verification methods, you can choose how you want to secure your access points.

The Mobile Authenticator also enables true identity assurance to protect your facilities. Users can authenticate their identity using biometric facial recognition. The Mobile Authenticator enables trusted access to protect your facilities. Users can authenticate with a simple yes/no approval via a push notification sent to their mobile device.

With the BioConnect Link solution, customers can utilize their existing trusted authenticators used for digital access, at the door.

Authenticators currently include links to DUO, Ping ID and Okta. The Mobile Authenticator can also be used for customizable mobile surveys.

Click on the link below to download a product datasheet or click to get pricing information from your local ISG dealer.

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