BioConnect BioStation 2

BioConnect BioStation 2


BioConnect BioStation 2 incorporates the latest technology in a beautiful exterior. It combines a new powerful processor, next generation optical sensor and improved fingerprint sensing & capturing algorithm to offer unrivalled performance. BioStation 2 provides users with instant authentication and rapid data transfer to manage high volume data with ease. It is ideal for applications that require versatility without compromise in style and performance.

The new sensor in BioStation 2 enables the device to capture and process much clearer fingerprint images under less-than-ideal conditions. The new sensor offers excellent wet and dry fingerprint capture performance that allows the device to be used even in harsh environments.

BioStation 2 is designed to provide matching and authentication in an instant. Leveraging the powerful hardware and sophisticated algorithms, the device can match and authenticate up to 20,000 fingerprints per second.

BioStation 2 features an IP65 certified weather proof exterior. IP65 protection allows system designers to place the terminal in both indoor and outdoor environments.

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