BadgePass Visitor Manager

BadgePass Visitor Manager

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Registering and tracking visitors and guests to your facility has never been easier! BadgePass Visitor Manager is the industry leader in visitor management software and is the most user-friendly visitor tracking system on the market. Even better, it’s part of our fully integrated credential management system, bringing extra value and added security benefits to your organization. Automatically activate cards upon check in and deactivate on check out, minimizing security risks associated with handing out physical keys and ensuring a proper audit of visitor door access activity is recorded.

All visitors can also be monitored from the “on-site” list within Visitor Manager, allowing you to see who is still at the facility and who has checked out.

To increase the security of your visitor management, BadgePass Visitor Manager can perform background screening by cross-checking against the National Sex Offender Registry. Visitor Manager also allows you to ban certain visitors from a facility, so when they try to check-in and receive a badge, Visitor Manager will show a positive match and you can take action from there.

BadgePass Visitor Manager was designed for fast and secure electronic registration and tracking of visitor and guests. Our document sign feature allows visitors to agree to customizable terms and conditions before being granted access to the facility, adding an extra layer of screening and security to your visitor tracking process. Visitor Manager now also includes an optional contactless driver’s license and ID scanner, in light of recent COVID-19 business requirements.

Click on the link below to download a product datasheet or click to get pricing information from your local ISG dealer.

BadgePass QuickPass Cards

BadgePass QuickPass Cards

For years, organizations have struggled to find a secure and cost-effective way to manage temporary visitor access. QuickPass cards offer the benefit of rapid visitor enrollment combined with the security of an enterprise access control system. The process is simple. First, register a guest using BadgePass Visitor Manager. Then, instead of issuing an adhesive badge, assign a QuickPass card to the guest. Only when it’s associated with a current guest will a QuickPass card have active access privileges.

Click on the link below to get pricing information on QuickPass cards from your local ISG dealer.

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