BadgePass Connect ID Card Printer

BadgePass Connect ID Card Printer

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The BadgePass Connect printer was specifically designed for compatibility with BadgePass ONE software. Hooking up the printer couldn’t be easier – all you need is a network connection and available IP address! There is no printer driver required and our user-friendly portal allows you to see printer status, print test cards, check print counts, ribbon usage and more.

Connect printers feature 300 dpi resolution and edge to edge printing for premium print quality, allowing your badges to convey a professional image of your organization. When coupled with BadgePass ONE software, users can capture photos and print to a Connect printer from any device – including a smartphone!

The Connect is very easy to use as the card feeder and output tray are directly accessible on the front of the printer, so you can check the cards as they come out. The large capacity card feeder and output tray hold 100 cards so you don’t have to refill the printer as often. Connect offers high capacity printing in a compact footprint. BadgePass ribbons are also easy to install and are automatically recognized by the printer.

The Connect also offers complete scalability, as you can upgrade your printer at any time according to your needs by adding magnetic stripe or contactless chip encoders. The printer can be factory configured for dual-sided printing, or the function can be activated on site.

Click on the link below to download a product datasheet or click to get pricing information from your local ISG dealer.

badgepass connect printer with badgepass one software

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