FaceDeep 5 from the ISG is the new AI-based face recognition terminal equipped with a dual-core based Linux based CPU and the latest BioNANO® deep learning algorithm. It supports up to 50,000 dynamic face database and rapidly recognize users within 2M(6.5 ft) in less than 0.3 seconds and customizes alerts and a variety of reporting for no-mask wearing.
Anviz’s Dual Camera technology enable IR and visual face recognition with unique deep learning algorithm to achieve the high accuracy and identify fake faces by photos or images.
- Biometric Physical Access
- Accurate No-Mask Facial Recognition
- Dual HD Camera
- Can Be Mounted Anywhere
- Waterproof for Indoor & Outdoor Use
- Ultra-slim Design
- Works with Other Access Control Systems
- Convenient & Secure
- Compatible with Most Access Cards
With the verification of over one million faces around the world, FaceDeep 5 has become one of the most accurate face recognition terminals suitable for various environment and conditions.
The ergonomic design of the FaceDeep 5 ensures easy installation for verification of people at different heights.
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