Anviz FaceDeep 5

Anviz FaceDeep 5

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FaceDeep 5 from the ISG is the new AI-based face recognition terminal equipped with a dual-core based Linux based CPU and the latest BioNANO® deep learning algorithm. It supports up to 50,000 dynamic face database and rapidly recognize users within 2M(6.5 ft) in less than 0.3 seconds and customizes alerts and a variety of reporting for no-mask wearing.

Anviz’s Dual Camera technology enable IR and visual face recognition with unique deep learning algorithm to achieve the high accuracy and identify fake faces by photos or images.

With the verification of over one million faces around the world, FaceDeep 5 has become one of the most accurate face recognition terminals suitable for various environment and conditions.

The ergonomic design of the FaceDeep 5 ensures easy installation for verification of people at different heights.

Click on the link below to download a product datasheet or click to get pricing information from your local ISG dealer.

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